Dreamlike vision of lights

This square-format image captures a dreamlike vision of countless bokeh lights, resembling a celestial event or a festive light display. Vertical streaks of light in varying shades of blue cascade downward, intersected by orbs of light in warm tones of orange, yellow, and soft blue, creating a striking contrast. The varying sizes and intensities of the bokeh effects contribute to a sense of depth and dimensionality, giving the impression of a vast, starlit sky or a magical rainfall of lights. The dark background amplifies the vividness of the lights, adding to the overall mesmerizing and abstract aesthetic.


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Dreamlike vision of lights
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Title: Dreamlike vision of lights

Category: Backgrounds/Textures

ID: 9034

Uploaded: 12/20/2023

Format: png

Dimension: 4096 x 4096

Size: 18 MB

Image Resolution: 17 Mpx