Red and white wrapped yarn is the symbol of Martenitsa, the Bulgarian holiday of Baba Marta. Bokeh effect. 3d rendering

Red and white wrapped yarn is the symbol of Martenitsa, the Bulgarian holiday of Baba Marta. Bokeh effect. 3d rendering


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Red and white wrapped yarn is the symbol of Martenitsa, the Bulgarian holiday of Baba Marta. Bokeh effect. 3d rendering
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Title: Red and white wrapped yarn is the symbol of Martenitsa, the Bulgarian holiday of Baba Marta. Bokeh effect. 3d rendering

Category: Culture & Religion

ID: 10246

Uploaded: 01/19/2024

Format: jpg

Dimension: 6144 x 3072

Size: 11 MB

Image Resolution: 19 Mpx